Since becoming a mom my life has gotten over-ly messy. I am a stay at home, work from home mom. After having my first son, it took me close to six months to even find the motivation to start taking care of myself. While I had worked out every day of my pregnancy, I had lost my motivation. I was content (ish) with sitting inside all day; eating, feeding, snuggling and sleeping. I could not figure out how to balance everything and it was weighing on me. My self talk and confidence was at a zero. I knew something needed to change.
I saw something on Instagram that inspired me. It said, “self care is not selfish.” This has stuck with me ever since. I decided that, in order to be the best mom and wife I can be, I needed to put myself first. I started getting up a couple hours before my son. I would do a 30-60 minute workout, five days a week. I started focusing on my eating and shocker… I started to feel better. I started walking with a friend a few times a week and my confidence slowly began to come back. Somedays were harder than others. Some Days I had a little sidekick. Some Days I had to skip and rest. The important part was, I took the step and I started. Fast forward two years, and I had another baby.
Now, I have been blessed with easy postpartum recoveries and I was determined more than ever to not go back into that slump I was in my first time. I had to stay moving and grooving for my toddler. So around 4 weeks postpartum (I listened to my body and this is what it needed), I started slow and steady. I found a mom group where I currently live that works out four times a week. Mamas workout and the kids all play. It’s a win win (most days 😅) Here I am almost one year later, and I have more confidence in myself then I think I ever have.
I also start my day by getting into the right mindset. I still try to get up before the kids. I spend time in my devotional, bible and my prayer journal. I set my goals, look at my calendar and I pray for the day ahead. Most days I will add in a small workout to get those “happy hormones” pumping as well. I find that when I do these things and I am consistent with them, we have better days. I am more patient with the boys and I have more motivation to accomplish the never ending list of tasks that are on my to do list.
All of this to say, taking care of yourself as a mom is the most important thing you can do for your child (in my opinion). It's easy to get caught up in whatever is going on in your life, but I cannot stress enough, taking time for yourself. Self care is not selfish, friends!
Until next time friends,